1. Word domination (5/22)
  2. Sideways
  3. Every once in a while, sign off.
  4. Everything is perception (4/22)
  5. First is relative (3/22)
  6. Read different.
  7. Ask for help.
  8. How to literally bend time (with grammar)
  9. Productive envy
  10. If you can’t beat ’em, play your own game (2/22)
  11. Reputation is priceless.
  12. Make any piece of writing better in 3 simple steps.
  13. If you ain’t first, you’re last (1/22)
  14. Write in ballpoint pen.
  15. Nobody likes jargon (they're just scared)
  16. The 5 most badass copywriting resources on the web
  17. Every day
  18. When in doubt, build.
  19. (In)visibility and control.
  20. Real writing is...
  21. Give real writing a chance.
  22. They always say “write like you speak.”
  23. You've gotta go tour the factory
  24. How many hours do you write a day?
  25. New year, new journey
  26. How to do thought leadership (without sounding like an asshole)
  27. Ever wonder if you’re doing creative work?
  28. Are you interesting?
  29. Everything is marketing
  • Better is the worst
  • Save your work 💾
  • "Can" is a curse word
  • Metrics don't measure everything
  • The presentation makes the work
  • Just say it
  • How to make lists not feel like lists
  • Why do you do what you do?
  • Phrasal verbs + rhetorical tricks = copy magic
  • There are no small pages, only small writers
  • The weird grammar trick to make your taglines hit harder
  • The one super random resource to up your creative copywriting
  • Wanna grab tech journalists’ attention?
  • Put your messaging where your money is!
  • What are the last 3 headlines you clicked on?
  • The one thing all great headlines do...
  • In B2B tech, you’re selling to one of two kinds of people.
  • Make your headlines way stronger by answering one simple question.
  • Rest of the archives coming soon...